~ Since 1986 ~

Celebrating Our 39th Year of Excellence in Public Risk Management!

What is TN PRIMA?

Since 1986, the Tennessee Public Risk Management Association has helped educate and train public sector risk management practitioners across the state. For today's shrinking government budgets, TN PRIMA means resources, training, and results.

TN PRIMA is dedicated to the advancement of public risk management by providing superior education, resources, and networking for the public risk community in Tennessee. The annual conference is the educational forum for risk managers in the public sector. Attendees will have access to superb educational sessions, addressing many aspects and levels of public sector risk management and will participate in networking events with others in their profession. Risk managers will learn how their counterparts have dealt with the daily as well as extreme challenges faced by entities across the state. Attendees will be able to share ideas and successful programs they have implemented during the social events planned for the conference.

TN PRIMA Mission & Purpose

The Tennessee Public Risk Management Association's purpose is to:

  1. Increase the proficiency of risk management in governments and governmental agencies and districts;

  2. Strengthen the quality of risk management through continued education; be an educational and research organization for the benefit of governments and governmental agencies and districts;

  3. Provide its members the opportunity to exchange ideas and to consult with one another, to meet with persons in or associated with public risk management, and to supply members with information concerning their organization and their parent organization; and

  4. Act in any other manner which will further the best interests of the governments and governmental agencies and districts in their risk related activities.

Chapter Officers


Michelle Young

City of Cookeville



Past President 

Jennifer Hood

Montgomery County Government




Missy Masoner

City of Newport




Rebecca Nowack

City of Sevierville



Vice President - East

Michele Diebold

City of Gatlinburg



Click here for a complete list of

chapter leadership

Vice President - West

Debbie Yeager

Public Entity Partners



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